Is It Time To Buy New Tires? Know What To Look For

Have your tires been on your vehicle for a very long time and you think they need to be replaced? If so, you may be wondering if this purchase is actually necessary. Here are some tips to tell if your tires are actually in need of replacement. 

Tread Depth

One way to evaluate your tires is to look at tread depth across the entire tire to see where the low points are. While this can be done accurately using a tread depth gauge, chances are that you do not have one of those lying around. Instead, you can actually use a penny to measure the tread depth. Simply put the penny into the tread of the tire with Lincoln's head facing the tire. If the tread goes past his head, then you know the tread is good. If it doesn't, you'll need replacement. 

Uneven Wear

Make sure to check the tread across multiple parts of the tire, since tread may not be wearing down evenly. You can take your hand and run it across the top of the tire in several spots to check for uneven wear. Does it feel like the tire is pretty even across the entire width in several spots, or does the tire have high and low points? If there are low points, check the tire tread depth in these places specifically.

Tread Bar Check

Your tires should also have a tread bar, which is a piece of rubber that sticks up across the width of the tire. It's raised higher than the normal tread, and is used to give you an indication that the tire needs to be replaced. If the tread bar is even with the tread that surrounds it, then you know that enough tread is gone that you should replace the tire. If there is still some space between the top of the tread bar and the tire tread, then you have more time until replacement is necessary.

Sidewall Cracks

Take a look at the side wall of the tire and look for signs of the rubber cracking. While this is not always a guaranteed sign that the tire needs replacement, it can be a huge indication if you see a lot of cracking. You should then evaluate how often you are putting air into the tire, since cracks that go all the way through could be causing a lot of air to leak out of the sidewall.

For more information about getting new tires, contact a tire store near you.

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About Me

Making Wheels Better Than Ever After I had new tires put on my car, they were dark, shiny, and beautiful. Then after a few months, they started to develop that dulled, bland appearance once again. I stopped to think about what I could do to make things better, and a friend recommended this special wash for tires. I started using it, and it really shined up the wheels while making them look dark and beautiful. Now my car looks stunning, and I know that it is all because of the extra little step of using wheel cleaner. Read more on this website about how to make your car even more attractive by using the right cleaners for your wheels.




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